Knowing how many hours you need to spend on the treadmill to burn off calories from candies may not scare you, but finding out their adverse effects on your oral health may make you quit snacking on them.
While not having any candy is still best for your oral health, some types are candidates for the worst candy. General dentistry can help, but it is wise to choose your snacks carefully. So the next time you indulge in a sweet treat, try to minimize its impact on your oral health by avoiding these candies.
5 of the Worst Candies for Your Teeth
1. Gummy Worms and Gummy Bears
It’s so easy to reach for gummy worms or other treats when you’re bored. However, general dentistry frowns upon the growing popularity of sour candies. These candies are so damaging to the teeth because they contain both acid and sugar. As much as you can, try to limit your consumption of lemony and sour sweets to prevent long term damage to your oral health. If you consume these treats, it’s better to eat it all at once instead of indulging in it once every couple of hours.
2. Snickers
Chocolate is not as bad for your teeth as you once thought because chocolate disappears quickly, thanks to the saliva. The saliva prevents the chocolate from lingering on your teeth for a long time.
However, it would be best if you consumed creamy chocolate bars like Snickers in moderation. If you are craving chocolate, pick up some dark chocolate. Dark chocolate contains little sugar and calcium. It is also made with cocoa beans, which can fight plaque and bacteria and harden the enamel.
3. Tootsie Rolls
If you love snacking on sticky and chewy candies, like a Tootsie Roll, you are putting your oral health at risk. The reason why candy is terrible for the teeth is that the bacteria in the mouth burn the sugar and creates acid in the process. This acid dissolves your tooth enamel, and that is why cavities develop. Tootsie Rolls and other chewy candies are among the worst candies for your teeth because it stays in your mouth for a longer period due to it being so sticky. Therefore, this extra time in your mouth gives it ample opportunity to cause damage. It may also cause dental emergencies when it sticks to things such as:
Just like Tootsie Rolls, dried fruits and fruit-flavored rolls ups are also bad for your teeth. While it may give you more nutritional value, it still contains a tremendous amount of sugar. This sugar can linger in the cracks and crevices of your teeth if you don’t brush right away.
4. Twix
Twix contains caramel, which is another sticky offender you should avoid. If you can’t help yourself, open a bar of Twix after a hearty meal, right before you brush and floss your teeth. This action will limit the time it stays in your mouth.
5. Lollipops
Hard candies like lollipops are a part of everyone’s childhood. But unfortunately, these suckers can do more harm than good. You can enjoy hard candies slowly, so it’s more difficult for your saliva to protect your teeth. Over time, acids can build up around your mouth and make you prone to cavities. As soon as you finish a hard candy, properly take care of your teeth by brushing them.
Lovett Dental Upper Kirby Can Help Your Oral Health
When you eat candy, don’t feel too guilty. It’s perfectly fine to treat yourself every once in a while, as long as you’re doing it in moderation. However, it would be best if you also were brushing and flossing twice a day and setting up an appointment with your dentist twice a year. We offer several dental treatment options, including:
- Fluoride treatments
- Teeth cleanings
- Emergency dental services
- Dental fillings
If you have more questions about protecting your oral health, visit us at Lovett Dental Upper Kirby or call us at 713-490-8888.