There are lots of adults who are told they need dental braces in Houston. Many people indeed get braces as teenagers, but some may need braces as adults. If you are looking for adult braces, we can help you. At Lovett Dental Upper Kirby, it is our pleasure to provide comprehensive oral healthcare to everyone in the local area, including numerous braces options. Take a look at some signs you may need braces as an adult, then call Lovett Dental Upper Kirby at 713-490-8888 for specialty dental services.
1. You Continued Growing After Your Braces Came Off
If your mouth continued to grow even after your braces came off as a child, your teeth might have moved out of position. Your teeth do not necessarily change size; however, your mouth will get bigger as you continue to grow. As a result, your teeth will not remain straight as your jaw changes size. If you kept growing after your braces came off, your teeth might be out of position, which dental braces can fix.
2. Your Teeth Keep Getting Cavities
If you seem to have cavities every time you go to the dentist, this could be a sign that you need braces. Of course, you have to brush and floss regularly in order to take care of your teeth. However, if your teeth are not straight, you may not be able to reach certain surfaces of your teeth, which could be why you keep getting cavities.
3. You Have a Hard Time Speaking
You may not realize just how important your teeth are when you speak. Your tongue has to connect with your teeth properly in order to make certain sounds. If you have a hard time stating certain words and phrases, this could be a sign that you need braces. Speak to a dentist to learn more about your speech difficulties.
4. Your Teeth Do Not Close Completely
If your teeth do not close completely, this could be a sign of something called malocclusion. If you have a difficult time eating hand fruit, chewing a state, or eating bread, this could be a sign that your teeth are not closing completely. If your bite is not line up, this can be a significant quality of life issue. There are numerous options for braces that can address bite concerns. You may want to discuss this with a dentist.
5. Your Mouth Is Constantly Sore
Finally, if your mouth is constantly sore, this could be a sign that your teeth are not straight. A few reasons why you may have mouth pain include:
- There could be a cyst or abscess in your mouth
- Your teeth may be overlapping, placing pressure on one another
- There could be a cavity present
- You might have been hit in the face recently
If your mouth is constantly sore, your teeth may not line up properly. If they exert pressure on one another, this can lead to constant dental pain. A dentist can help you correct this with braces options, alleviating this discomfort by moving your teeth to the right spots.
Rely on the Team from Lovett Dental Upper Kirby for Adult Braces
These are just a few of the many signs that could indicate you need braces once again. If you are wondering about your options for braces, we are here to help you. At Lovett Dental Upper Kirby, we have a wide variety of braces options. Therefore, you may be able to get different races than you had as a child. If you would like to speak to a member of our team, please give us a call today at 713-490-8888.