What is the best possible advice for how to prevent teeth shifting? Nothing in life is guaranteed, and the answer to this question may be different for every person. The reality is, as we age, our teeth do move, even though it seems they should not. Teeth shifting has to do with many factors, including slack in the gums, the pressure of chewing and grinding, or a mouth injury.
You can develop habits to keep the risk of teeth shifting low. Our practice at Lovett Dental Upper Kirby will help you understand how to prevent teeth from shifting.
Why Do Teeth Shift?
Given the anatomy of the jaw, you would think that teeth are immovable. After all, they seem anchored to your jaw. But the dynamics of your teeth and gums are more complicated than you might think. Your teeth are surrounded by soft tissues and secured by a ligament, and both can get stretched.
Certain habits accelerating the shifting of teeth. They can also move from:
- Clenching or grinding
- Thrusting your tongue
- Certain repairs or restorations
- Smoking cigarettes or using other tobacco products
- Biting your nails
Injury and decay can also cause problems, particularly if you lose a tooth. The gap seems to allow your teeth to move again. Keep this factor in mind as you learn more about how to prevent teeth shifting.
How to Prevent Teeth from Shifting
How can you stop it all from happening? It depends heavily on why your teeth are moving. Our talented dental team can identify the underlying causes and work with you to build a treatment plan.
For instance, one of the reasons for teeth shifting is the wearing away of protective enamel on your teeth, which can shift the alignment of the jaw and produce a mismatch. The misaligned jaws create the possibility for movement.
Gum disease can also lead to alignment problems. You cannot recognize these situations alone, which is why it is important to keep regular appointments with your Lovett Dental Upper Kirby dentist.
If the cause of teeth shifting is a missing tooth, you might need an implant to keep teeth from moving. At the end of the day, only you and your dentist can truly develop the best possible plan for how to prevent teeth shifting.
Why Do Teeth Move After Braces?
It is maddening to think that after two or three years of hard work and expensive braces, teeth could still move. But they can, and parents need to understand the factors. After the hard work and expense of braces, the last thing anyone wants is to have teeth revert to their original positions.
Once patients get their braces off, they keep visiting the orthodontist. During this period, they wear retainers designed to let teeth settle into place.
Wear your retainer religiously. Nobody wants to see the hard work of their braces undone. Make sure you give your teeth the best possible opportunity to stay in place.
Keep Your Teeth Straight with Lovett Dental Upper Kirby
As much as we wish it weren’t so, our teeth move, even when we take careful care of them. Some things just happen as we age. One of the ways to address this fact of life is to maintain excellent dental habits — especially visiting the dentist regularly. Lovett Dental Upper Kirby knows how to prevent teeth shifting. Our experienced team provides services such as professional teeth cleaning, fillings and sealants, and dental crowns and bridges, as well as specialized services such as dental implants. From pediatric and general dentistry to orthodontia, dental surgery to endodontists, we have the knowledge to help correct your dental problems. Contact Lovett Dental Upper Kirby at 713-490-8888 for an initial consultation.